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“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.”
― David Lynch RIP  

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Are your days mad busy yet you are grappling with a gorta mór—a huge hollow hunger inside? 

Ravenous for a scéal nua—new narrative to nurture your self-love?

Starving for the land-lore of your ancestors and eco imbas—inspiration from your lineage? 

Craving a collective gathering in sync with the Sí—divine feminine. 

Pining for rituals rooted in feminine feasa—wisdom, in tune with slow and seasonal Celtic Wheel? 

Thirsty for sacred stories as well as tools, where Psychology & Mythology are fite fuaite—intertwined?

In need of a súil eile—another perspective before your imagination, authenticity and creativity die? 

Craving a mór—expansive, spiritual existence?

Fáilte isteach—welcome on in and tóg go bóg é—take it easy, you are maith go leor—good enough, as you are. COME AS YOU ARE. 

But First She

But First She provides coaching, courses, workshops and community events to enable you to cultivate self-love and instinctual self-trust by tapping into the ancient feminine wisdom of Ireland.

Sadly, many of us remain subjects of the same patriarchal systems of old—first under Big Colonial power, then Big Church authority, and now Big Tech domination. The outdated framework we live by is far from MARVEL-ous! It serves us recycled wars, performative parenting, the hyper-fatigue of bro-wellness, and toxic productivity. Enough with the hero’s journey! We are in desperate need of stories of compassion, creativity, and collaboration. And we are in dire need of leaders who embody feminine wisdom.

The time is anois—now, instead of waiting for aha moments, or our crone or elder years.

His-tory must make way for HER-story as we ALL decolonize our minds.

For history isn’t necessarily fact; it is biased. It’s a story, most often told by those who rule or win. And honesty and accuracy in the era of colonialism were questionable.

As Blindboy and Manchán Magan have said Irish mythology was weaponised as a tool of nationalism in the late 1800s. Stories about Gods & Fighting Men were cherry picked from all the ancient stories of Ireland & translated into English. These stories have become widespread. And growing up I thought they were the only myths. They are not. Stories of powerful goddess too exist too, beneath the surface. 

The good news is, just as the high priestess Enheduanna crafted new myths to unite the vast Sumerian Empire, my Mnáology stories are new myths for today’s world, enabling all of us to reclaim our inner feminine wisdom.

Through my new Irish myths, you will feel uplifted from the daily grind and learn to become cróga croí—brave of heart—so you can live your kindest life.

Let’s become more oscailte—open to possibility, and respect and recognize the value of forgotten feminine wisdom from marginalized mná—women and colonised communities via our endangered or extinct ancient languages.

The Irish language is as old and as deep as Indian Sanskrit. Our Gaeilge connects us to the land and she is the greatest teacher of all. And so I call my mantra meditation —Mnátra. Combining the rituals and mnásome energy of ancient India and Ireland and grounded in the healing power of Gaeilge, my mother tongue. 

But First She empowers you to break cycles of self-doubt and people-pleasing by reconnecting to the wisdom of my Irish ancestors who meditated in Ireland’s sacred cairns and caves over 3,000 years ago.

Gach focal Gaeilge a labhraim is ceangal don sÍ agus síocháin istigh—Every Irish word I speak reconnects me to feminine energy and peace within. 

Irish myths are indeed of deep spiritual significance and I am on a mission to elevate Irish mythology to its rightful place within the storytelling traditions of the world, on a par with Greek and Indian myths. I aim to restore the Irish Goddesses to their rightful place within our society and our daily lives by offering a profound yet playful slí—path to self-awareness. 

Even more importantly, I seek to do this le chéile—together as a community. 

After all, we are the scéalta—stories we tell ourselves and our collective curiosity can fuel our feminine wisdom to help us find a way forward, in these dark times. 

Or as we say as Gaeilge—Irish:

Doras Feasa Fiafraí—The door to wisdom is to ask.

Tá gliondar i mo chroí—I’m delighted to connect with you.Email me [email protected]

Or connect with me via the links below. 

Grá mór—BIG love 💜Mary Ellen 


Mary-Ellen Saha

BA. MA. BSc. LCH Dip

Is mise Mary Ellen Saha – my name is a combination of Irish and Indian. It reflects who I am: a human of the whole world, interracial and interconnected to all. My full name means the rebellious, radiant island of support and endurance. It’s a lot —gáire ós árd—LOL! Yet if you know me you’ll how true this rings. A dopamine dresser with an enormous zest for life, I never do anything half-heartedly! I am an independent thinker, an outsider, yet deeply motivated to help others.

My positive psychology, meditation, and coaching work is celebrated for its honest and holistic approach to well-being. This approach, with its dynamic and vibrant nature, has often led me to work outside the mainstream.

Building on this foundation, my writing fuses mythology tales with psychological tools, creating a rich narrative that complements my coaching.

In my unique coaching, I blend storytelling with evidence-based practices and hyper-focused listening, a skill honed over many years on the Samaritans phone lines and heightened by my ADHD superpowers.

Born in the sacred heart of Ireland, near the mythic hill of Uisneach, I am a farm girl from Co. Westmeath. I inherited the work ethic of my Irish parents and also their deep Celtic spirituality. The masculine and feminine energies of doing and being intertwined in my heart from the beginning.

On the farm, I built my resilience, resourcefulness, and belief in the restorative power of nature—my saviour during family mental health struggles. These early influences shaped my focus on mental health and an appreciation for Irish storytelling, earthy honesty, and the season’s cycles. 

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Please find more on my LinkedIn page here

Annie Dunne

Elina Strode

Karena Rathbone

Anna Lundy

One-on-one meditation coaching with Mary Ellen was a soothing and enriching experience. She empowered me to take time for myself, tune in to my instincts and establish a daily meditation habit. I also joined her weekly online mother’s meditation circle and really enjoyed the community vibes and stories on the Irish Goddesses, as it really facilitates tapping into my feminine energy, which nourished me. Being from Northern Ireland I found it deeply peaceful to use mantras in the Irish language, to connect to my ancestry and feel grounded using the ancient feminine wisdom of Ireland.